
Three Month Rule for a Clean Home

Ever heard of the three month rule? Well, even if you haven’t it doesn’t matter at all. We’re talking about another three month rule here. This three month rule is guaranteed to give you a cleaner and more breathable home! “Home is where the heart is.” this is one of the most famous lines we’ve ever heard describing the sanctity and importance of our home. The rooms of our house become the very ground we call ours. As human beings, shelter is a very basic need. But then again, the sentimental emotions inside of us beg to think of our home as just a house, instead, we give greater value to our home as it is not just a place where we belong, it is also a place that belongs to us.

What some people do not understand though is that having a home comes with certain responsibilities. This means that your house is entrusted to you and you have to take care of her no matter what. Now, what does this say about cleanliness? Well, if we care about something, we obviously won’t allow that thing to go on unpolished. Keeping our houses clean reflects the respect we give to the idea of home. There is definitely no place like home.

Now, going to the three month rule. This rule is actually pretty basic. All you need to do is take out the things you haven’t used in the last three months. That’s it? Yup! That’s it. You see, when it comes to things that are necessary, sometimes a lot of them aren’t even useful. Why let those things clutter up your homes if they do not even serve a purpose from the start.

Let’s start with your clothes. This may be the hardest to give up as most of your clothes have been collected over the number of years. But let’s face it, you can’t use them anymore. And even if you did, you wouldn’t actually want to. You’d just use them for the sake of saving them from being thrown out. Well, there are certain exceptions to this rule like that fancy suit you’ve been saving up for which you only use during rare occasions. But now talking about the rest of your wardrobe, some things have to go.

Your clothes aren’t the only things that need to be sorted out. There are also books, furniture, games, gadgets, and so much more things that could minimize the clutter around in your home.

Do Small Businesses Need CRM Software?

CRM, which stands for Customer Relationship Management, is a type of system that can help you manage the information of your clients, partners, customers, sales reports, and even inventory. It allows you to look at all your information at a glance so that you could easily glean information for future courses of action.

A lot of businesses think that using CRM software isn’t necessary and are only needed by large companies with multiple departments. But with all the benefits that CRM software can provide a company, its use is simply something too valuable to pass up on. Truly, a CRM system can be one of the most important tools that a business can use, no matter its size.

After all, starting a business can be incredibly risky. There are a lot of factors to be considered, some of which cannot be controlled or predicted. As with every risk-filled endeavor, it always helps to remove as much luck from the equation as you can. CRM systems can allow you to do this by giving you access to valuable information that you otherwise wouldn’t have access to. This is especially important for small businesses who want to get off the ground; CRM can provide you the data for sales management and other factors, which can leverage your business and get your services and products out into the world.

Build Your Business

At its foundation, CRM providers like crystal dash in Singapore can allow you to make your company bigger. CRM software is the perfect tool to aid you in this. All the information that CRM provides you can help you understand the best courses of action that you can take next. It also keeps you connected to potential clients, as well as previous clients so that they can easily return to you for future engagements. Here are some of the things that CRM systems can do for your small business.

1. Understand your market

CRM software, at its most basic, helps you organize the data you have on your customers. With CRM, you can easily look at all the data you have concerning your business at a glance, including sales reports, past interactions, the effectivity of your leads, and the profitability of your products. With all of this data, you could be sure that the markets you are targeting are engaged with your business, or if an entirely different and more profitable market is waiting for you on the sidelines.

2. Help you appear more professional

Using a CRM software is also an easy way to appear more professional towards your clients, especially in terms of sales management. Being able to organize your information doesn’t just affect your efficiency but also saves time for your clients as well. Because of your software’s ability to store and track data, your customers don’t have to repeat every single necessary detail every time they engage with one of your employees. It also means that you can approach them in the most appropriate manner. For example, if a customer is having a problem with your product, you wouldn’t want to sell them the same product before you solve their current issue.

Cloud CRM also quickens your response time. In the fast-paced modern world, being able to quickly rectify issues is expected. Cloud CRM allows you to look at your data from anywhere you are, whether in Singapore and abroad, and access information on clients. This allows you to quickly answer any questions and solve any issues that may arise.

3. Helps you build your company

CRM can aggregate all the data that you have about your business and customers and can automatically generate trends and statistics so that you are armed with the information that you need to move forward with your company. With more information, every big move that you take requires less risk on your part. CRM can also help you build your business in smaller ways, such as letting you understand which leads are effective or helping you understand how to better engage your audience, whether you have an international customer base or only target customers in Singapore.

4. Lets you find the best practices for your company

The way companies operate differ from one company to the next, from their marketing philosophy to their differing brand identities. Creating a company means understanding what will work best for all the aspects of your company, including the vision you have in mind, the products and services that you want to offer, and a host of many other things.

With so much data that you have to constantly sort through, its hard to not let anything fall by the wayside, much less understand which practices are more effective. CRM helps you sort through all the information that you come across when building a business, helping you understand which practices are working, which ones could be improved on, and which ones should be scrapped.

Who Doesn’t Need CRM Systems?

We’ve already established all the reasons why you would need a CRM system even if you just started your business. If you want to know more what package is suitable for your company, call http://www.crystaldash.com/contact-us/ for a quick consultation.

You think you don’t need a CRM system?

As a rule of thumb though, all businesses need CRM systems. Even those that are comprised only of a few employees can benefit from all the features that CRM software can bring, even if they invest in the more basic and less complex kinds.

Some may state that you don’t really need a CRM system if you are a one-man business endeavor, or if you only have a handful of employees. But as long as you plan on growing your business, you will need to invest in a CRM system. Even if your plan of expansion isn’t well into the future, investing in CRM early on can give you a ton of benefits. Investing in this handy tool as early as possible can give you a leg up in the game, letting you grow much faster than all other competitors in your market.

What You Need to Know About the Different Types of Electricians

It is important to have an idea about the different types of electricians to avail the right electrician services for what you need. As a home owner, you’ve probably had an experience in the past that required you to hire an electrician to install new lighting or troubleshoot electrical works. A good electrician knows how to work his way around wires and has fair knowledge on the most common household problems. You can easily hire one to do the basic inspection and assessment on your home.

However, when it comes to more specific expertise, you’re better off looking for a licensed electrician who specializes in a certain field.

In Singapore, electricians are considered skilled craftsmen and experts in technical tasks such as installation, repair, and maintenance of various electrical devices and systems. To attest to their skills, they are also bearers of official licenses. They are obliged to undergo massive training and relevant work experience before they can officially be called an electrician.

While general practitioners master the basics of electrician services like the back of their hand, there are different types of electricians with varying degrees of specialization and expertise. This means they have a certain area of expertise, and they’re most likely the ones you need to turn to when fixing advanced electrical problems. Here are the various types of electricians:

1. Residential electricians

Homeowners turn to residential electricians to fix certain technical issues in their household. A residential electrician knows how to maintain, install, or upgrade any electrical equipment in one’s apartment or house. In some cases, they are also responsible for the installation of outdoor landscape lighting.

Before you can officially become a residential electrician, you need rigorous training in the forms of formal classroom instruction and apprenticeship. The apprenticeship typically spans to around 4 years of supervised work under an established electrician. Any aspiring candidates must also pass the final tests at the end of an apprenticeship program.

2. Journeymen electricians

A journeyman electrician generally works on mechanical connections, power supplies, lighting installation, communications and security systems in residential and commercial buildings. Oftentimes, they are also assigned to work on overhead lines. Several of these electricians may opt to work in construction sites, though others prefer working for manufacturing plants or utility companies.

Typically, there’s a journeyman electrical exam to pass if one aspires to become one. Upon successful passing, the examinee gains an official certification to attest his/her competency as a journeyman electrician. They may also begin working unsupervised on various electrical systems. As a certificate holder, they can also help in training the junior apprentices.

It is widely believed that the name ‘journeyman’ suggests there’s a lot of travel involved in the job. Meaning, journeyman electricians often work from one place to another on a regular basis.

3. Master electricians

Master electricians from Singapore http://www.powermax.com.sg/ are highly skilled experts and they mostly hold a supervisory role in commercial companies. Some master electricians also own a personal contracting business to which they directly supervise. To become a master electrician in Singapore, you will need to provide proof that you have sufficient work experience or a bachelor’s degree in electrical/electronic engineering.

Strong managerial skills are important in a master electrician. Their expertise must span beyond basic repair, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems. They must know how to work with people, as their role often involves supervising a staff of laborers, trainees, junior apprentices, and journeymen electricians on various jobs.

4. Commercial electricians

Typically, commercial electricians are found working on construction sites. Their expertise at commercial buildings and mechanical electrical systems makes them sought-after by different businesses and commercial companies. Some commercial electricians also do installation work, which may involve advanced security systems, water heaters, and electronic key systems.

Being a commercial electrician also means you are tasked to complete system upgrades and troubleshoot systems. Doing the latter allows you to isolate specific problems which are brought by faulty wiring. To acquire an official license, you are to work under a master electrician first to gain relevant work experience.

There is a high standard in selecting potential commercial electricians because commercial electric work can greatly affect the safety of the public and the users of the building.

How do you hire the right electrician?

Hiring the right electrician for the right job doesn’t just happen after a single click on a web search engine. While the results might lead you to several options to choose from, you still need to consider: (a) the kind of work you’re seeking help for and (b) the budget you can allot to get the job done.

Personal recommendations also matter when hiring an electrician. If you know anyone who has had their wires fixed or recently installed a new electrical system, ask them where they availed their services from. If they had a pleasant experience with a certain electrician/electrical company, it’s best to check them out and browse through the services they offer.

Consider their relevant work experiences and ask them for a quick run-through, as well. Your best shot lies on an electrician who has done a similar task at the issue you’re hoping to fix, or at least closely related to it.

A general electrician can only help as much. Advanced electrical problems might be beyond his/her skill and capacity, and so seeking the assistance of an expert technician is highly encouraged. These electricians are well-trained in the respective fields they work for – may it be a journeyman electrician, commercial and residential electrician, or a master electrician.

Dangers of Excessive Use of Over-the-Counter Drugs

Over-the-counter medicines are good for relieving pain, allergies, cough and cold fast. But if taken without considering the right dosage can lead to serious organ damages and death.

Some people are unconsciously addicted to these medicines and this could be a problem because they can be bought without prescription. There are also no visible signs on the person unlike those addicted to dangerous drugs. Addiction could start with one harmless tablet until the person feels dependent on the medicine for relief. Other people start increasing the dosage and take more than one tablet or capsule a day.

Pain Relievers or Analgesics
Overdosing on pain relievers like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., aspirin), paracetamol or acetaminophen, and opiods (e.g., codeine) is quite common and some even use them to commit suicide. The symptoms include sweating, irritability, diarrhea, and nausea. Later, your body shuts down slowly and painfully. Most die because of liver failure.

Overdosing can also cause stomach pains, headaches, gallstones and liver damage. Withdrawal can cause headaches and irritability.

Overdosing on antihistamines like diphenhydramine can cause mild to severe symptoms but it’s rarely fatal. The person experiences spasms, seizures, hallucinations, drowsiness, and flushing. But it can also lead to kidney damage and appendicitis.

Never try to mix antihistamines with medications for sleeping problems or motion-sickness because some have the same ingredients. You could still overdose on two different medicines unknowingly.

Cold and Cough Relief
Some people use over-the-counter cough medicines to get high. That feeling comes from the ingredient dextromethorphan, which is common in most cold and cough relief drugs.

Overdosing on dextromethorphan can cause euphoria, hallucinations, distortions in vision and hearing, vomiting, and drowsiness.

Combinations to Avoid
Sometimes when we’re sick, there is a tendency to rely on medicines to treat every symptom. Those who don’t feel like they’re getting any relief tend to ignore the instructions on when and how much drugs should be taken. There are cases of unintentional overdoses because of a combination of drugs.

Don’t mix any of the mentioned medicines with too much alcohol and other drugs without the doctor’s advice. Never take more than one type of the same drug together, like taking one opiod and another with acetaminophen or paracetamol. They can also be lethal when mixed with energy drinks, motion sickness medicine, laxatives, diuretics and herbal products. Herbal products are just as bad because they can be bought without prescription and do not usually undergo the same strict regulation as other medicines.

Moderate Use
These medicines are not harmful. In fact, they’re safer than herbal supplements. It’s this assumption however that can lead to mistakes. Too much of something is bad for you, as the saying goes. Take only one medicine at a time and each should be spaced out as indicated by the label. Never go beyond the dosage prescribed and it wouldn’t hurt to read the instructions.

If you feel like over-the-counter drugs don’t have an effect on you, then it’s time to visit the doctor. Perhaps you’re experiencing more than just a regular cold.

Horror Films That Are NOT Campy

Some fans of the horror genre are turned off by so many releases of slasher films that sometimes even turn into a hit movie series. The article isn’t making fun of other people’s choice of the dark and macabre, but sometimes its refreshing to see films that aren’t about semi-human psychopaths with sharp saws for forks.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
This classic silent horror film features the hypnotist Dr. Caligari who uses the somnambulist Cesare to kill people. Francis, who is having problems with his fiancee, investigates the murder of his friend Alan who earlier had visited Cesare.

Hellraiser (1987)
This is the first of Clive Barker’s films of a gruesome tale of Frank who was resurrected after he escaped an alternate dimension populated by Cenobites. His niece Julia had solved a puzzle box and meets Pinhead, the leader of the Cenobites.

Fallen (1998)
Detective John Hobbes investigates murders which seemed to have been copied by a recently executed serial killer whom he captured earlier. Further investigation revealed that another detective in the past uncovered the mystery but ended up committing suicide.

Uzumaki (2000)
Based on the manga of the same title by Junji Ito, it’s a frightening tale of a town obsessed with spirals. Kirie is disturbed by one of Kurouzu’s resident’s love for the patterns on a snail. He later went inside a washing machine to find more spirals.

Secret Window (2004)
Based on a novella by Stephen King, it tells about the descent of Morton Rainey into madness. He was in the process of divorcing his wife and was trying to finish his work, but someone is accusing him of plagiarism.

Three… Extremes (2005)
It’s a compilation of three short films from East Asian writers and directors. “Dumplings” is about an actress who wants to become younger following her discover of her husband’s infidelity. “Cut” is about a film director who is threatened by one of his extras because of jealousy. “Box” tells the story of Kyoko who recalls her frightening past as a circus performer.

The Descent (2005)
Six friends enter a cave system in the Appalachian Mountains and were trapped. One of the women, Juno, claimed that she led them to an unknown cave system so she can restore their friendship. In the cave, they find human-looking creatures.

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Ofelia and her mother move in with Captain Vidal. She was led by a stick insect to a stone labyrinth where a faun tells her that she is the Princess Moanna, the daughter of the king of the underworld. Ofelia has to perform three tasks to become immortal.

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)
Arash was about to pay the drug-dealer Saeed when he found that the latter was murdered. The woman who supposedly killed Saeed found Arash after he was drugged and lost. Not knowing what she was, Arash gave her the earrings he was supposed to use as payment for Saeed.