Love and Relationships

5 Ways to Bring Back the Heat to Your Stale Relationship

Been fighting all the time? Bored as hell in your relationship? We’ve all been there. Experiencing relationship ruts is just normal, but it can still be isolating and frustrating every time you’re in that situation. That’s why we’ve listed down some of the simple and effective ways on how you can bring back the spark to your fizzling relationship.


  1. Try New Activities Together. Trying out new things together as often as possible is one of the important keys in maintaining a healthy relationship, because doing the same activities every time is what leads to boredom in a relationship. Some of the exhilarating activities that you can try include sky diving, having a couple massage, or taking a long weekend trip to a place you’ve never been before. If you’re still at loss for some good ideas, reflect on the exciting things that you did in the first few months of your relationship and try recreating those experiences.


  1. Talk About Each Other’s Needs. Bottling up all your needs is what decreases your relationship satisfaction and emotional well-being, and increases the chances of infidelity. So open up that bottle and discuss what you both need from your relationship, whether it’s splitting the grocery bill or a giving an emotional support.


  1. Go on Mini-Dates. Are you too busy to follow your date night rule? Then try eating your breakfast together, going out for lunch, or even designating 30 minutes each night for your daily talks. This one simple and easy way to stay connected with your partner.


  1. Express Appreciation for One Another. One simple way to do this is to name the things that you like about your partner. Challenge yourself to list the things that you like about each other and share them. Doing this will certainly make both of you feel more confident and attractive.


  1. Make a ‘Fantasy Jar’. Write down as many fantasies that want on pieces of paper and ask your partner to do the same thing. Once you’re done, place all the paper in a jar then take turns in picking a piece of paper and in acting out each fantasy you picked. This is surely one of the best ways to heat up your fizzling relationship.

When you’ve been together for so long, there will certainly come a time that you’ll feel bored with your relationship. But by trying out the aforementioned tricks, you’ll surely be able to get over any relationship rut and bring back how your relationship used to be.


Meet the Parents: 5 Ways to Impress Your Guy’s Parents

When it comes to meeting your beau’s parents, a good first impression could mean everything! So, if you’re meeting the family for the first time, especially if it’s over a big, lovely dinner, practice these 5 tips to impress his mom and dad.


  1. Dress Appropriately. On your first time meeting his parents, take particular care to wear something appropriate and modest. Refrain from exposing too much skin and prefer a homey look over a stylish one. Don’t dress on something you usually wear for a night out, and choose a dress with a conservative neckline and a length that’s an inch or two above the knee.


  1. Keep Your Makeup Simple. Its fine to wear makeup, but don’t expect to win them over with smokey eyeshadow and bright lip colour. Keep your makeup clean and simple; just enough to enhance your natural features.


  1. Be Polite. Wearing the right clothes and makeup makes you look charming, but nothing beats good manners for pleasing people you just met. Flash a simple smile, show interest in meeting the family, and engage in conversations. Also, don’t forget to compliment his mom’s cooking if she happened to cook. She’ll surely love you for that.


  1. Refrain from PDA. Another important thing to remember is to not be overly affectionate towards your guy when in front of his parents. You can sit next to him, but as much as possible, avoid holding hands. Sure, they know that you two may have been up to some mischief, but there’s no need to flash it in their faces. Not only is it awkward, it can also speak badly of you.


  1. Stay Calm and Collected. However nervous you’re feeling, act as calm as you can be. Not only will it send a sign that you’re easy to get along with, it’ll also make them feel more comfortable around you. But don’t interrupt out of nervousness, too, as they might see it as an act of rudeness and not anxiety.

Now that you’ve learned some ways on how you to make good impression to his parents, all that’s left for you to do now is just be yourself. Sure enough, they’ll be able to see the reasons why their son is just so into you.


Finding the Right Place for a Date

Whether you like it or not, you need to decide on where you would want your girl to go. One of the reasons why many boys are being left by their partners is that they don’t show their creative side and they let girls decide for a place to go when they schedule a date. Actually, it is the duty of men to make a plan during a date. It is the time that boys can show to girls how sweet they are. Most of the time, girls will help you choose a place to go. But you need to listen to her very carefully because you might not like it and you might be bored when you arrive there.


Usually, once a girl chooses your date place you think it’s fun but most of the time it’s not. Most of the time, girl would grab you to come on a party house or perhaps dance club. For guys, it’s a boring place. However, for girls, they don’t have any place to call “boring.”


Actually, you can invite her to watch a basketball or a football game with your favorite team. But before you go there, make sure that she knows a little about its rules so that she’ll not get bored. Now, you are not the only one who gets excited when your team score. On the other hand, you may also try to invite her to an amusement park. Maybe it sound familiar to you but to make it special, walk your foot to the “car bumping” site.


Loving: Easy to Say Yet Difficult Do

There are so many people who says that it is much better to love a person and hurt rather than never loved for your entire life. Indeed, it is true. Loving a person is not an easy duty, it is always a risk. But do you think you aren’t at risk someone do not love you? Yes, it is. In reality, you are more hurt if you are not loved compared to a person who experienced heartbreak.


Take for instance you parents, is it really hurtful when your father doesn’t care about you and your mother doesn’t love you for their whole life? Definitely! There are situations like these and it is really painful like you are punching yourself for no reason at all. You do not want these, right? Hence, you have to keep on loving someone in order for you to get something in return. Although it might not be from the one you truly love but at least you are being loved.


Sometimes, a poor individual gains more love than rich people because most of the time, wealthy individuals have a lot of fake friends and only few of them are true and the worst part, no one will stand by you when you need them. On the other hand, financially disable individuals have more true companions because they are sincere with their feelings. They just want a friend who can stay with them for a long time and it doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich.


Overcoming a Sad Situation

Loneliness is just a feeling. It is a word that is easy to say but hard to surpass. It’s like a soccer ball that you need to shoot through the goal. But it is not as easy as you think since you will encounter obstacles. For one, there are defenders and all the way to the soccer net is the goalkeeper.


Do you think you can easily score a goal? No, it’s not. You need first to trick your opponent to achieve it. Once you’ve done it, it is victory. Being in the situation wherein you heartbreak is present is a complicated one. However, it is not a serious matter because it can be easily solved.

The hardest part is only the adjustment period wherein you will definitely do everything that you can without your partner. Sometimes, you tend to be dependent to him and suddenly he’s gone. Don’t be sad or regret that he is gone. Make a promise to yourself that you will become mature despite that fact that he left you.


Make something that you think you can do without him and do not try do the things that you do with him because it might end up that you won’t easily move on. The trick here is to forget or if not think less on the things that you do together and most especially the things that he do for you because it doesn’t make any changes on you.
