What is Hairstyling?

Between skin care products and hairstyling chemicals, it’s difficult to say which one will come out the winner as the most important beauty regimen, but it’s clear that the beauty industry is here to stay. Humans have been obsessed with styling their hair as much as making their skin beautiful, that is why the hair salon is a popular business venture.

Let’s look at the history, tools and techniques of hairstyling.

Hairstyling History

No one knows for sure how our ancestors styled their hair when the hair salon didn’t yet exist during the Stone Age, but experts think that the people cut their hair using sharp flint or shells. The fashionable ancient Egyptians chose to shave their heads so they can wear wigs instead, if they didn’t color it with henna. For the ancient Greeks, hairstyling was an art form and it became part of cosmetics, which comes from the word “cosmetikos,” meaning “skilled in the use of cosmetics.” They were also the first people to use artificial curlers using bronze rods. The Romans added meaning to the color of the hair, because it was a symbol of your class. The nobles dyed their hair red, the commoners blonde, and the poor black.

Hairstyling as a profession became more important, however, when the Roman Catholic church issued a decree that all facial hair should be removed by the clergymen. During the Renaissance, the women shaved their hairline so that their foreheads appeared bigger. It was not until the 1600s when the word “hairdresser” was used the name for the profession. At this time too, a male monarch popularized the use of wigs to hide his thinning hair, a trend that lasted for over a century until taxes were imposed on the use of male wigs.

In 1762, the word “shampoo” was coined to describe the chemical made from boiling soap in water sprinkled with herbs and fragrances. It wasn’t until 1952, however, when the first liquid shampoo was manufactured. In 1790, the aerosol hairspray was used and in 1845, hot metal combs were invented to straighten unruly hair.

In 1907, the first synthetic hair dye was marketed, and years later the women’s razor and Bobby pins came into use. In 1928, a product made from beeswax, mineral oil, and water is marketed as a hairstyling product for men. Finally, in 1980, a modern version of the curling iron became available.

Hairstylist, Haidresser and Barber

Is there a difference in what the hairstylist, hairdresser and barber do? The three names have different origins, but nowadays, their job descriptions overlap. The main concern of a Singapore hair salon used to be the hair design, while it was the hairdresser’s job to do the cutting, dyeing, and shampooing of hair. The barber, on the other hand, was responsible for shaving, cutting, styling, grooming, and dressing men’s hair. There was even a time when barbers also performed dentistry and surgery on their clients.

Today, all hairstylists, hairdressers and barbers can do all the jobs at any hair salon in Singapore. Their duties at the hair salon include shampooing, cutting, trimming, coloring, perming, and styling hair, wigs, extensions and hairpieces; shaving, trimming, and shaping mustaches and beards; analyzing hair and scalp problems and suggesting treatments; and suggesting hairstyles for their clients.

They are also responsible in keeping the hair salon clean and organized. The best hair salon in Singapore cleans and sterilizes all their styling tools and equipment regularly to avoid the spread of infection. When choosing a hairstylist, make sure that he/she knows all the latest hair trends and talks to you about the look you want to achieve. A good hairstylist will also give you pointers on how to maintain healthy hair and scalp by recommending a styling routine and a set of hair care products.

Hairstyling Tools

The hairstylist uses a lot of hair products made from natural and synthetic chemicals to change, improve or style your hair. However, the items below are the most common tools you will find at the hair salon.

1. Combs and brushes are for detangling, smoothing, styling, and finishing hair.

2. Curling iron is used in a hair salon to change the curl pattern of your hair temporarily. The hair shafts are exposed to heat and can be styled any way you want.

3. Flat iron is similar to the curling iron, but instead of curling, it straightens your hair or parts of your hair temporarily. It is also used to straighten kinks when the hair is treated with straightening chemicals.

4. Blow-dryer is the most important styling tool in any hair salon in Singapore. It is a type of heating tool used to dry damp hair quickly.

Hairstyling Techniques

There are hundreds of hairstyles available today for any type of hair that can be achieved at the hair salon. But what techniques do the hairstylists use to create those hairstyles? Here are a few.

1. Knowing the hair type and texture. Hair type and hair texture will determine the best way to style your hair. Your hair type is determined by your genes and can either be straight, wavy, curly, and kinky. You will know you’re in the best hair salon in Singapore if the stylists take their time to give you a consultation before any procedure is recommended.

2. Proper blow-drying. A good blowout will give make your hair appear healthier, full-bodied, and shiny. The hairstylist also has to consider your hair type when using the blow-dryer to avoid frizz. That is why the hair salon has to apply a conditioner or moisturizer for your hair before blow-drying.

3. Proper curling and straightening. A good hair salon uses only the safe ceramic curler to add luster and silkiness to your hair. The hairstylist will adjust the heat settings based on your hair type to avoid burns, frizz and other damage. The same is true when straightening your hair using heating tools. The hairstylist will usually begin with the hair near your nape and work slowly up.

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