How to be a Gentleman on Your First Date


So the girl whom you have been crushing on for years finally accepted your invitation for a date. You are in seventh-heaven – until you remember that old saying about how first impressions last. Even though you know in the deepest of your heart that you are a nice man, you cannot help but question yourself whether you can act gentleman enough to impress your dream girl.


In this modern era, going back to the traditional ways can usually sweep a girl off her feet. These small efforts she may be looking for in a gentleman may be just right up your sleeves:

  1. Pick her up. Most men out there forget this basic yet crucial step in dating. Always pick up the girl from school or from work or from wherever she may be coming from. Arrange your schedule in advance to allow sufficient time for you to come get her.


  1. Open doors for her. When your ride the cab or when you enter a restaurant, always open the door for her. Any girl will find this almost-forgotten gesture romantic and impressive. True enough, isn’t this exemplified by that leading man in romantic films? And he indeed gets the girl in the end!


  1. Let her choose. Whether you go to the movies or to a Supercar Motorsports or to a fancy dinner, always ask her preference. Letting her decide what she wants will show her how much you care about giving her a wonderful time.


  1. Pay for the bill. Most girls will insist on splitting the bill. Gently refuse and insist you have it covered. Tell her you can share on your second date, though. If she agrees, then you just got lucky with a second date with her!


  1. Walk her home. Be sure to accompany her until she gets to her place. Even if this is out of your way home. Remember this is your first chance to show how much of a gentleman you are. When you cross the streets and walk on the sidewalk, make sure she is on the safe side.


  1. Enjoy yourself. Do not go overboard and be too obsessed in pleasing your date though. Have a pleasant talk with her. Be yourself and enjoy the moment. Savor the wonderful time you are spending with her. She will be genuinely flattered that you are enjoying her company.


  1. Thank her. Before saying your goodbyes, thank her for accepting your invitation. Thank her for her time. Do not fail to tell her again how much you appreciate your time together.


Preparing for the first date is not only about grooming your looks with the crispiest shirt in your closet or smelling the freshest for hours. While this will surely capture the attention of your date, your values will be of more importance. Having these in-check from time to time will definitely give you an edge in winning her heart.


When you arm yourself with the right attitude, be confident that things will be smooth and comfortable. And who knows, maybe keeping all these in mind will enable you to have succeeding dates with the same dream girl for the days to come!


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