Substance 101: Common Date Rape Substances  


We do not ask to be raped but sometimes, there are things that will lead to such horrible action. If we are not careful enough, we will lose everything that we have including our self-worth. Rape is not a light issue and therefore should be taken seriously. Perhaps we heard about date rape these days.

young girl is a victim of abduction

Though date rapes are not common here in Singapore, the fact remains that it happens in some societies. We do not want our society so suffer such horrible act that is why we should educate the population especially the women about the dangers of date rape.

When we hear date rape, we think of substances. This is true. Date rape is eased by drug, alcohol or any substance that can undermine a woman. If inhaled, injected or ingested, a substance can make us numb, unconscious and weak. These feelings will make us vulnerable to rape.

It is mentioned earlier that we should educate the population and we have to start by introducing substances that can facilitate rape. Here are some:

  • Alcohol: According to a study conducted by Medical News Today, alcohol is the most common date rape drug. This is the case because of it is readily available in the market. Many women fall to rapists because of intoxication. Alcohol will certainly cloud judgment and physically weakens us and as a result, it is hard to fight sexual advances of men.


  • Ketamine: Ketamine is used as an anaesthetic for victims with burns. Aside from that, ketamine is also used in surgery and dentistry. The United States stated that ketamine can be in the form of liquid which can be injected or it can be in the form of powder that can be mixed with drinks or smoke. If ingested or injected, the effect will be after twenty minutes and the effect will last for four to eight hours. If higher doses are combined with alcohol or other drugs, it can lead to coma.
  • Ativan: Ativan is also called lorezapam. Ideally, Ativan is used to treat insomnia, seizures and anxiety. Ativan is helpful since it has a relaxing property however, it can knock us unconscious for twelve to twenty four hours which is exactly the reason why it is commonly used as a date rape drug.
  • GHB: GHB is used to treat narcolepsy and sleep disorder. It is used as a date rape drug because it has the power to put a woman to sleep and it can cause nausea, dizziness and confusion.

We have to know that many of these substances are readily available in the market since they have their legitimate uses. However, they are highly dangerous when abused or mixed together.


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